SHIPO (Southern Highlands Participatory Organisation)


Contact information

Southern Highlands Participatory Organisation (SHIPO) is a Tanzanian NGO, aiming to contribute effectively to a sustained improvement in the living standard of poor people in Tanzania. SHIPO does this through the facilitation of self-help projects, based on the priorities, needs and capacities of poor people themselves. One of SHIPO’s core goals is to achieve improved water, hygieneSHIPO is a Tanzanian Non Governmental Organisation (NGO), based in Iringa Region, Njombe District, about 5 km South of Njombe town centre along the Makambako-Songea Tarmac and Main Road.

SHIPO has been registered under Ministry of Home Affairs as Non Governmental Organization Society on 07 May 2001 and provided with Certificate of Compliance number 1629 under the Non-Governmental Organisation Act 2 section 11(3) of Act 24 of 2002 on the 27th of September 2005 and allowed to operate in the whole mainland of Tanzania.

SHIPO facilitates people in rural villages and community based organisations (CBO’s) to plan and execute small scale self-help projects in the districts of Njombe, Ludewa and Mufindi. SHIPO’s aim is to facilitate organised groups (communities and women groups) in the successfully implementation of self-help projects that contributes to the improvement of living standards and the alleviation of poverty. Such projects include environmental health programs (gravity water supply systems, hydro water schemes and the low cost drilling technology of boreholes with rope pumps together with hygiene promotion and sanitation facilities), construction of primary schools, primary health care centres, and agricultural improvements at village level. HIV/AIDS and gender are crosscutting issues taken up in the projects. SHIPO also supports handicapped children, mostly through the cooperation with the CCBRT Disability Hospital in Dar es Salaam.

2.0 GOAL

2.1 Vision
Over a period of 10 years SHIPO will have contributed significantly to sustained improvements in the living standards of poor people in Tanzania.

2.3 Mission
To contribute effectively to a sustained improvements in the living standards of poor people in Tanzania through facilitation of self-help projects, based on the priorities, needs and capacities of people and civil society organisations, to achieve increased organisational capacity, improved educational and environmental health ( hygiene and sanitation) awareness and facilities (water supply, school buildings and health facilities) with groups of people/ communities and within the districts as a whole.
and sanitation conditions in rural areas through the implementation of simple, affordable and locally produced techniques (Smart Tecs). They ensure long-term sustainability by combining infrastructure with thorough training and education, and by working in close cooperation with local authorities and leaders. As a professional development organisation applying a community driven approach, SHIPO is widely recognized for its effective work in remote rural areas.

Projects in RSR

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